Tallest Man on Earth
Wednesday, April 27
Shoctor Theatre – Citadel Theatre
If you’ve become the Tallest Man, the Bob Dylan comparisons need to end.� Make comments about their sound’s relationship until the seats of the Gaslight are full of converts, but it need not matter — they are from different eras and inherently different. It seems the association might only be in the idea that they wonderfully strum guitars, can fill a room with their solitary sound and write magnificent, poetic lyrics. If anything, the connection could be a flow chart mapping the distance from Woody Guthrie to a very tiny man who has a taller alter ego.
Since seeing Matsson just over a year ago, things have strikingly changed for the Swedish singer-songwriter.� Certainly his career has propelled even higher, but more, his live performance has noticeably sophisticated.� Perhaps better meant for a sweaty, smoky basement bar, the plush-seated Shoctor theatre provided fans and their beloved Tallest Man the most fitting venue for his delicate performance.� The Shoctor is a venue that should surely receive some more attention.
Flowing his way through his perfected, well-crafted and intimately played 12-song set, Matsson kept the audience in his tiny palm.� Far from theatrical, his songs are fragile and lonely, still wildly engaging and delicate — his live performance has the ability to make the hundreds feel as though they’re privy to an absolutely private engagement.� And it’s clear to anyone who adores The Tallest Man’s music that it’s just that: his songs were written personally and took wings on their own.� Strong songwriting and high skill will do that.
I Won’t Be Found
The Garden
Troubles Will Be Gone
Where Do My Bluebirds Fly
You’re Going Back / I Wouldn’t Do That (Sade Cover)
Gentle On My Mind (Glen Campbell cover)
Love Is All
King of Spain
The Wind
Pistol Dreams
The Drying of the Lawns
Sometimes the Blues
Photo By: Christian Watson
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