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LIVE MUSIC REVIEW — DJ Numark and Edit of the Glitch Mob

Being the type of person who doesn’t particularly like the multitude of genres, sub-genres, and sub-sub-genres electronic-based music seems to have, I didn’t expect much from the the Glitch Mob’s Edit and his live set after checking it out online.In fact, he seems very popular, but I don’t have a clue who he is — and I’m not sure what exactly that says.Perhaps I am being judged as you read this; I do not care.It was painfully obvious in many regards that most people were at Banff's Wild Bill’s to get their glitch on.

Opening MC, Black Rose, literally screamed and sometimes mumbled over a crunchy, grimy and repetitive wail provided by a local, DJ Cain.Not only was it too loud to understand what Black Rose was uttering; it was too loud to think and when I could think, it wasn't good.One thought I did squeak out, however, was that the volume increased to align itself with Rose’s increasing volume, alcohol consumption, indecision, and incomprehensibility.I suppose Rose is local and I should give him a break, but this particular MC seemed to dilute any type of motivation I had to continue watching.

Luckily for the show, Jurassic 5’s premier DJ Numark was up next.As he rattled and rolled through a soulfully funk-infused set of mash-up, break beat and Motown inspired jams, he won over fan after fan who, based on their attire and distant stares, were� there for someone who sounds more like DeadMau5 than Shadow.The sweaty highlights of Numark’s hour-plus set included when he built in a medley of familiar hip-hop favourites flavoured with Ol’ Dirty, Souls of Mischief and, yes, Jursassic 5’s “What’s Golden.”As the energy climaxed, newly won and dedicated fans finally jumped ships and fully immersed themselves into Numark’s journey.A set worth the price of admission alone.

The Glitch Mob’s Edit followed Numark.Introduced as some type of savior and/or originator of the glitch scene made me feel like some sort of ignorant, out-of-touch poser, which I may very well be and, given the nature of his set, I’m completely okay with that.Now, there clearly was a noticeable amount of talent coming from Edit, but somehow I just don’t get it.DJ’s have a difficult enough time coming across as actual ‘artists’ to many, the last thing they need is a computer screen, turned toward the audience no less, to show how seemingly simple and direct their set is.And yes, I understand at this point fans of Edit would loudly disagree with my accusation, however, where Numark and Edit differ in DJ skill is where Numark runs around and slides his finger on vinyl, Edit glides his finger on a touch-screen.Not helping anything, in my opinion.For all I know, Glitch’s set could have been a recorded album accompanied by a computer screen for that ‘live effect.’The second point is that Edit’s bone-shattering and ear-wondering set of drum, bass, glitch and glamour, didn’t seem to differ much.No build up, just the grime of diesel 4-strokes idling in a busy parking lot, with pounding bass drum hitting every so often.Again, an ignorant comment from an ignorant non-fan, but I digress.The entire time, I wondered what I was missing and what everyone else was getting.There must be something in the water.

The last point that should be made about the show itself is about the entire show’s master of ceremonies who spoke completely out of turn during Edit’s set.As Edit began to gain some type of momentum and groove, this guy would start screaming about lord knows what at the top of his lungs.And not in the hoped-for ‘let’s get a party started’ way.At one point I recall him suggesting that people download his music if they are going snowboarding the next day.More lame and clich� than that, I’d like to hear.His volume and pure annoyance increased as he enjoyed more high balls, and as Edit’s set began to sink in.Not a master of ceremonies but rather a distraction of enjoyment and a hindrance to a solid enough event.

The promoters and team behind this show did a wonderful job in creating a great vibe and bringing in diverse talent and an amazingly large and more-than-standard sound system.After working out a few glitches and dumping some weaker aspects, the team’s efforts will be unwrinkled and their shows will get improved.

more in Music Review ��� | ��� posted Feb 24th, 2011 at 12:25pm ����

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