Lady Gaga should probably look into acting.�
If there was ever a disconnect between music superstar and Jesus Christ Superstar, it has been solved.� Like the Beatles famously proclaimed, Lady G is larger than the original superstar – at least to throngs of ‘little monsters’.� Gaga is larger than the room she plays in. Bigger than the preposterous alien get-ups she magically transforms into. ��Lady Gaga is bigger than her sometimes creaky, always powerful voice and so-called insecurities would ever have you imagine. She’s insanely self-confident, unabashed and outwardly limitless.
As Gaga and her elaborate stage and multitude of dancers smacked Edmonton with her theatrical productions and seemingly crank choices of set, sound and costume, she held thousands in her frail palm.� She bounced through her host of number one’s and threw in as much production value as anyone who cares for that could possibly imagine.�
Gaga’s drama begins as her and a party of choice abnormal performers is en route to the gala of the decade – a place where everyone understands your insecurities and freakish ways; a promenade where the little aching part of you who so badly wants to fit in, fits in.� We should all be so lucky.
Unfortunately, the plan gets off to a terrible start, as her crucifix ride won’t run.� Luckily, Gaga finds a keyboard safely attached under the hood – a seeming oversight by any standard mechanic – and utilizes this fortunate mistake to blast “Just Dance,” as the crowd went absolutely bananas.
�I’m not exactly sure what “super free” means, but Gaga sure liked to plug it.� If (when) the gaggle reached the ball, they would be let loose.�
Marilyn Manson was a proper freak in his own right, but the tour that is waiting to happen is Gaga v. Manson. Two freaks, united, they would be: two monsters conquering the crowd and bashing down walls of stigma and stereotype.
People don’t get to be as fearless in ‘real’ society as Gaga would like to think.� I suppose this is why they came out in throngs last night. They wanted to absorb a little of the magic that has made Gaga a phenomenon, a club sensation, and an icon for those misunderstood and alienated. �Was that magic worth $200?� Not even close.� But Gaga doesn’t care how much money you have in your pocket.� It wasn’t the best, but it sure was something.�
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