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Go Fest Yourself

Dispatches from the festival frontlines.


Pounding rhythms, two guys in white suits strutting and prancing and wearing angel wings?!! My first thoughts: “If nothing else, this is going to be interesting,” and “Will my skull and eardrums last through the performance?!”

Sound levels subside, the two guys take off their wings – and launch into the story of Jack and Dylan.� Dylan has escaped small town claustro- and homophobia, and moved to the “big city, where – as Jack puts it “the story of Romeo meets Romeo” unfolds. Dylan and Jack can deal with petty jealousies and family dynamics but when Jack is assaulted in a horrific gay-bashing incident, everything in their life together is threatened.

BASH'd! … has the hallmarks of great drama – compelling and sympathetic characters, a plot with growing tension, relieved but not released through wit and humour – delivered with energy, creativity and rhythmic verse. However, the tragic ending leaves the audience with sorrow, fear, pity and anger unresolved.

Returning to the rhythms and costuming of the opening scene, Craddock and Cuckow command the audience to channel those unresolved feelings into social action.

Four and a half out of five stars.

more in Fringe Reviews ��� | ��� posted Aug 16th, 2010 at 3:15pm ����

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