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Go Fest Yourself

Dispatches from the festival frontlines.

FRINGE REVIEW: Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley�has a huge imagination.� A nerd-fest musical in many ways, but also, a touching love story – this play unfolds in many weirdo ways. Mannequins are, if retail stores have taught me anything, portable, moldable models for clothing and accessories.� Yet, one would never know that in each one is a huge soul waiting to get out.� Hugo, the main nerd and creator of many masterful geek songs, longs for a mannequin, unfortunately for the uber nerd, this mannequin’s heart is not for him. At first.� And yes, it turns out that mannequins�do�have hearts.� Some even have Barry White-voices.� If a utopia where robots and humans co-exist harmoniously; a world where mannequins flirt with romance is your kind of thing, check this play out.� Your nerdy side will thank you.�

Four out of five stars.

more in Fringe Reviews ��� | ��� posted Aug 15th, 2010 at 7:21pm ����

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