Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
Tornado is a tale of generational angst set in a familiar love story that has gone horribly wrong. This comedy uses a fresh blend of puppet musical theatre and pop-culture to illustrate the burdens of life in a small-town.� Melding fact with fiction works to hysterically spread tornado survival awareness and the evils of big city life. The music is well performed and even includes a banjo solo that makes Neil Young's Greendale seem redundant - well, maybe just a little. The story is in Canadian tradition of poking fun at ourselves and may even strangely heal the wounds of tornado victims in the process.� The cast brings a vibrant energy to each character and juvenile humour that is sorely missing from so many love stories. A new bar has been set at the Fringe: no play is complete without a drunken puppet porn montage!
Four out of five stars.
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