Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
Good Women are enthusiastic performers who occasionally get carried away by their … enthusiasm. �They are unpredictable, but not in that meaning of the word artists love to be called. �One would prefer less unpredictability and more content. �That content, creative imagination and formal cohesiveness are beautifully shown in their Amtrak, a truly outstanding piece of work. �But Amtrak is short and, at fifty minutes, This Is Not A Play, is long. �The latter is a series of compact, unconnected dance etudes, which opens with a little exercise to the Talking Heads tune and concludes with a Jimi Hendrix three-piece set. �In between, a number of etudes are done to a kind of generic electronica. �In some places, the dance alternates with neat, short videos, giving the performers time to change. �Energy, skill, a sense of humour are all there – what we need more of is a stronger narrative backbone.
Three and a half out of five stars.
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