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Go Fest Yourself

Dispatches from the festival frontlines.

FRINGE REVIEW: Rocket & Sheshells In A Sofa So Good

There is a lot more to a dumpster couch than you might imagine.� Awkward mumble-clowns Rocket and Sheshells can attest to this.� Sure, their naivet� and cute ignorance allow for more adventures to come out of remote controls and vibrators than they are customarily known for.� And for that their imaginations are due some credit. When the play started I wondered how these two tongue-tied clowns could burble their way through an entire scene, never mind a play, but they do it wonderfully.� The beauty of this play (and the non-stop laughs that accompany it) is this terrific intersection where simplicity of set and props meets light hearted and insanely creative ideas.� You kind of get the sense you know where�Sofa So Good�is eventually going, but you’re excited to watch it happen.

Four out of five stars.

more in Fringe Reviews ��� | ��� posted Aug 15th, 2010 at 7:22pm ����

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