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Go Fest Yourself

Dispatches from the festival frontlines.

FRINGE REVIEW: Our Man Tommy Douglas

Our Man Tommy Douglas brings to life the wisdom of Wikipedia as we gather around the comfort of grandpa's chair for his life story. This introspection into Canadiana however is not merely a salute to the ideals of a past era but a reminder that the social institutions we now revere were once a source of public scorn. Unfortunately, the play does drag on at times in this one-man show, and the less historically informed might even have been misled that Tommy may have suffered from dementia in his old age, as the actor appeared to have forgotten his lines on at least four occasions. It could have been better, but for those interested in learning more about one of our illustrious past Prime Ministers, this remains a worthwhile production.

Three out of five stars.

more in Fringe Reviews ��� | ��� posted Aug 15th, 2010 at 11:26pm ����

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