Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
Hosted for the second year in a row by Edmonton Rapid Fire Theatre contributors Kevin Gillese, Arlen Konopaki, Amy Shostak, and Cellist Nikolaus Herdieckerhoff, this late night cabaret serves as a good starting point for Fringers overwhelmed by the plethora of shows to choose from. �Staged in the late night show style of Johnny Carson and David Letterman, the cabaret's hosts introduce scenes from several Fringe works followed by interviews with the actors. �The comedic banter between the hosts and interviewees was at times crude, but always gut-bustingly funny. �As the play features different Fringe shows and interviews every night, the themes and topics will obviously vary, however, so long as the hosts maintain their quick wit and comedic banter, the end result will be an entertaining taste of 5 or 6 plays that will leave you lusting for more.
Three and a half out of five stars.
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