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Go Fest Yourself

Dispatches from the festival frontlines.

FRINGE REVIEW: Canadian Gothic

What Canadian Gothic lacks in flash and extravagance, it makes up for in depth and consistency. The play depicts small-town rural life in Saskatchewan and the blighted love affair between a local white girl and her Native love interest. It uses narrative often directed at the audience to develop the characters extremely effectively. So much so, in fact, that the barren set - with the exception of three wooden chairs - actually helps draw the audience into the storyline. The talented performers in Canadian Gothic are beyond comfortable in their roles, and play the majority of their scenes through speech, not actions. But a story as unrestrained as this one needs nothing more. Three out of five stars.

more in Fringe Reviews ��� | ��� posted Aug 15th, 2010 at 1:40pm ����

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