Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
This is what the Fringe was created for. �A bold script from emerging talent, Pau Miro, expertly performed by Leora Joy Godden and Jeffrey Pufahl. �While Alan Long's performance as David left something to be desired - perhaps due to opening night jitters - Pufahl absolutely dominates the stage, both charismatic and subtly menacing. �The chemistry between Godden and Pufahl is obvious, with Godden playing the perfect foil to Pufahl's oafish Carlos. �Taking place largely within the confines of one room, the spartan yet beautifully coloured set creates an effective backdrop for Miro's Barcelona. �Replete with peeling wallpaper, one can almost feel the rats scurry about the floor. �Though there are some issues with the script, there is a tenacious honesty about it, all but bereft of any pretentiousness. �The working-class drama echoes the spirit of classic works by Steinbeck and Hemingway without descending to mawkish parody. �An absolute must see.
Four out of five stars.
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