Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
The Accidental Humour Co. is back with�Happy Whackin’ Jim McCrackin, an action flick that starts on the big screen and spills out onto the stage of the Edmonton Fringe Festival.� William Bamfield is disenchanted hit man Jim McCrackin, knocking your socks off with the paring knife launcher hidden up his sleeve.� Cliff Kelly is a genius at splitting his personality as he plays identical twins Bradley and Steven Bishop – one a gin-soaked detective, the other simply caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. And Amanda Blair is cool and collected as Victoria, a woman who knows how to get what she wants and isn’t afraid to hold your mother as collateral.� McCrackin is out to finish his last job if he can only get over his irrational fear of felines; Victoria is out to get even and willing to call in the ninjas.� You’ll be swept away by stellar special effects and multimedia like none you’ve ever seen at the Fringe.� From start to finish, this show kept me on the edge of my seat.� Don’t miss it.
Five out of five stars.
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