Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
When Wallace puts on his plush mascot gear, he goes from outcast to heartbreaker.� As Wally the Woodchuck he learns that “everything’s better when you’re in a costume”.� His new cheerleader girlfriend thinks so, at least.��Game Face�serves up fairly standard glee club vs. football team drama.� In trying to break this mould with unexpected plot twists the story gets a little convoluted.� Ultimately we get to see that, while Wallace is the one with a physical costume, everyone else is putting on some kind of disguise.� I wasn’t convinced by Wallace as a pathetic nerd – he’s more self-assured than any of the math geeks I grew up with.� Aside from the overall feeling that these characters are too mature to be high schoolers, the script captures a few magical moments of perfect teenage awkwardness.��Game Face�also gets extra points for creative staging.
Two out of five stars.
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