Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
Posted by Derek Logan
in Go Fest Yourself
Here’s a little Newfie ditty about a b’y from the Rock named Little Dickie Milburn, and about his less than faithful wife Missus Milburn and a doctor giving a little something more than check-ups on his house calls. Robert Dawson has a sweet charm in the lead title role that more than makes up for some of the weaknesses in the supporting cast. The man, who barely stands above the five-foot mark, is a good sport at making his short stature a continual sight gag. Kyle DeCoste gets chuckles as the Drifter, the narrator of this little comedy that barely weighs in at 25 minutes. Viviane Falardeau and Casey Vander as the philandering couple are a little wooden, but since this was the very first play I’ve seen on Fringe opening night, I’m generous to chalk it up to opening night jitters and the two should find their groove further into the run. “Little Dickie Milburne” is light Maritime fun, with a great toe-tapping jig to wrap it all up and send you on your way.
Three stars out of five
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Fringe Reviews
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posted Aug 13th, 2010
at 11:09am
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