Dispatches from the festival frontlines.
Posted by Jessica Earle
in Go Fest Yourself
It’s officially a Triple Ace for the Spiral Dive trilogy. The final episode in the series lives up to the rave reviews garnered by the first two instalments, as we watch Jack Harding’s (Blake William Turner’s) aerial ideals plummet through the horrors of war. Veteran playwright Ken Brown avoids melodrama and reinvents what some may consider a tired theme by positioning his Second World War pilot as an Icarus figure : one whose obsession with flight allows him to graze the sublime but ultimately dooms him to a terrifying fall. Turner’s stage accomplices (Bryan D. Webb, Jeremy Baumung and standout Caley Suliak) help reify the idea by slipping into a number of characters that run the gamut of emotion. Their perfectly synchronized performances offer a generous peppering of humour, tasteful nods to Canadiana and a physicality that sets a blistering pace. A tight, well-executed production that won’t disappoint.
Four out of five stars.
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Fringe Reviews
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posted Aug 13th, 2010
at 11:14am
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